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Abbott, Abel, Abernethy, Ackerman, Ackloe, Acland, Acred, Adair, Adams, Adamson, Adcock, Addams, Aderholtz, Aderton, Adshead, Agg, Ahle, Airey, Aislabie, Aitchison, Aitkin, Akred, Alaband, Alberton, Alderson, Alderton, Aldhous, Aldridge, Alexander, Alflatt, Alford, Alfrey, Algar, Allanson, Allcorn, Allen, Allison, Allix, Allsop, Alltimes, Allwork, Alp, Alsop, Alston, Altham, Ambleton, Ambrose, Ames, Amos, Amps, Anderson, Anderton, Andrew, Andrews, Anglin, Angood, Ankrom, Ann, Ansell, Anslow, Anstruther, Anthoni, Antrobus, Apgar, Aplin, Applegate, Appleyard, Applin, Arber, Archbold, Archdeacon, Archer, Archibald, Armine, Armstrong, Armytage, Arni, Arnold, Arnot, Arthur, Aschman, Ash, Ashbe, Ashbee, Ashbey, Ashburner, Ashburnham, Ashby, Ashbye, Ashdown, Asheby, Ashford, Ashley, Ashman, Ashworth, Askew, Askey, Aspinall, Aspland, Asquith, Assheton, Assheton-Smith, Astbury, Astill, Astwood, Atcheson, Atherstone, Athey, Athill, Atkin, Atkins, Atkinson, Attesley, Attmore, Aubert, Austin, Avery, Awfeylde, Aylmer, Aylward, Ayres, Ayscough
Baber, Bachelor, Back, Backdahl, Bacon, Badger, Baelig, Bagwell, Bailey, Bailie, Bain, Bainbridge, Baine, Baines, Baird, Baist, Baker, Baldock, Baldrey, Baldwin, Bales, Baley, Balfour, Balguy, Balif (or Balet), Ball, Ballard, Ballinger, Balls, Balman, Balmer, Bambridge, Bamford, Bamling, Bancroft, Bangs, Banks, Banner, Bannister, Banter, Bapty, Barber, Bardrick, Bargewell, Barham, Barker, Barley, Barlow, Barne, Barnes, Barney, Barnhouse, Barns, Baron, Barr, Barratt, Barrett, Barrie, Barritt, Barron, Barrow, Barry, Barsham, Bartin, Bartlett, Barton, Bartram, Basforth, Basham, Bastard, Baster, Baster or Allen, Batchelor, Bates, Bath, Batson, Batstone, Batterham, Battersby, Battie, Battle, Battlemoore, Batty, Baty, Baum, Bax, Baxter, Baylie, Bayliff, Beach, Beadome, Beal, Beard, Bearpark, Beasley, Beattie, Beaumont, Beaver, Beck, Beckett, Beckingham, Bedan, Beddoe, Bedford, Bedgood, Bedingham, Bee, Beeby, Beech, Beecroft, Beedon, Beele, Beeler, Beesley, Beighton, Bell, Bellamy, Bellas, Bellinger, Belt, Belton, Bendall, Bennet, Bennett, Bennetts, Benson, Benstead, Bent, Bentinick, Benton, Beresford, Berriman, Berrow, Berry, Berwick, Bess, Bessor, Best, Betts, Bevell, Beveridge, Bews, Bibby, Bibesco, Bicheno, Bicknell, Bidgood, Bidwell, Biehl, Bigge, Biggs, Bigley, Biles, Bill, Billeriss, Billet, Billington, Bilton, Bint, Birch, Bird, Birket, Birt, Birtle, Birtwell, Birtwhistle, Bishop, Bivens, Black, Blackall, Blackbeard, Blackbird, Blackburn, Blackeby, Blackett, Blackhead, Blackman, Blackmore, Blackshaw, Blackstone, Blackwell, Blagdon, Blagg, Blair, Blake, Blakeley, Blakelock, Blakeney, Blakeway, Blakey, Blakiston, Blanckenberg, Bland, Blatch, Blauer, Blaylock, Bleaymire, Bleazard, Bleckat, Blenkinsop, Blessig, Bleuer, Blewer, Blinch, Blogg, Blois, Blowers, Bloxsome, Bloy, Bloye, Blundell, Boa, Boath, Boatwright, Boddy, Bode, Bodger, Bodin, Bodin or Boddign, Bodley, Boggs, Bogia, Bogues, Bolden, Boleyn, Bolland, Bolter, Bolton, Bon Couer, Boncouer, Bond, Bonds, Bone, Bones, Bonham-Carter, Bonnett, Bonney, Boocock, Boodger, Boon, Booth, Bootland, Booysen, Boreham, Borgen, Borthwick, Borton, Boshier, Bosley, Bosman, Bossy, Bostock, Boston, Bosworth, Botha, Bothamley, Bottom, Bouch, Boucher, Boultinghouse, Boulton, Bound, Bousfield, Bowden, Bowen, Bower, Bowers, Bowersock, Bowes, Bowes-Lyon, Bowes Lyon, Bowker, Bowland, Bowler, Bowles, Bowman, Bowser, Bowtell, Bowyer, Boxall, Boyce, Boyd, Brabant, Brace, Brackenbury, Brackway, Bradbury, Bradfield, Bradford, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bradshawe, Bradwell, Brady, Brailsford, Bramley, Brampton, Bramston, Branch, Brand, Brandford, Brandom, Brandt, Brannen, Brawand, Braythwaite, Brechbill, Breeding, Breeze, Brent, Brereton, Breslar, Bretherton, Brett, Brewis, Brewster, Brewton, Brice, Briddon, Bridel, Bridge, Bridgeford, Briggs, Brightman, Brighton, Brightwell, Brignell, Brind, Briner, Britcher, Brittain, Britten, Broadberry, Broadbridge, Broadmead, Broadway, Broatch, Brockholes, Brockwell, Brodrick, Broker, Bromehead, Bromily, Brondell, Brook, Brooke, Brookes, Brooks, Brooman, Broomhead, Brothers, Brough, Broughall, Brouwer, Brown, Browne, Browning, Brownrigg, Brownson, Bruce, Brundle, Brunskell, Brunyee, Bryant, Bryden, Buchanan, Buck, Buckingham, Buckle, Buckman, Budd, Budockshede, Buetiger, Bull, Bullen, Bulley, Bullifent, Bullivant, Bullman, Bullock, Bun, Bunker, Bunn, Buoy, Burchfield, Burfoot, Burgbacher, Burger, Burgess, Burke, Burkitt, Burlin, Burling, Burn, Burnell, Burnet, Burnham, Burns, Burr (or Fibbs), Burrett, Burrough, Burrow, Burrows, Burson, Burston, Burt, Burton, Busby, Busfield, Bushby, Bushell, Butcher, Butler, Buttcane, Butterworth, Butty, Buxton, Bye, Byers, Byndloss, Byrne, Bysouth, Bywater
C., Cabburn, Cain, Cairns, Caldicot, Caldwell, Calhoun, Callan, Calland, Calland-Scoble, Callow, Calmady, Calton, Calvert, Cam, Cameron, Cammorton or Cam, Camp, Campbell, Campion, Camps, Candler, Cane, Canham, Cannell, Cannings, Cannon, Cantwell, Caplin, Capp, Capstick, Carbonnel, Carden, Careless, Carew, Carey, Cariss, Carithers, Carlaw, Carlaw or Colan, Carleton, Carlile, Carlyle, Carmalt, Carman, Carmichael, Carmody, Carne, Carpenter, Carr, Carrington, Carris, Carroll, Carson, Carter, Cartledge, Cartman, Cartwright, Cary, Cash, Caskey, Cason, Cass, Caster, Caswell, Cater, Catherine, Catline, Cato, Cator, Catrina, Cattley, Cattlow, Caunt, Cauvin, Caux, Cavanaugh, Cave, Cavendish Bentinck, Cawley, Cawood, Cawthorn, Cawthorne, Cayley, Cerbe or Gerbe or Barbe, Chalker, Challenger, Chalmers, Chambers, Chambling, Chandler, Channer, Chaplin, Chapman, Chapple, Charles, Charlton, Charrington, Charteris, Charters, Chase, Cheatham, Chestnut, Cheverell, Chevill, Chew, Chichester, Chilcott, Child, Child(E)S, Childs, Chilton, Chinery, Chivers, Cholmeley, Chomley, Chorley, Christensen, Christian, Christie, Christiyans, Christman, Christop, Christopherson, Church, Churchman, Churton, Clapham, Clarges, Claringbould, Clark, Clarke, Claughton, Claxon, Clay, Clayton, Cleasby, Clegg, Clement, Clements, Clementson, Clerk, Cliff, Clifford, Clift, Cline, Clingo, Cload, Cloete, Close, Clough, Clouse, Clow, Clutterham, Coan, Coates, Coats, Cobbold, Cochrane, Cock, Cockburn (Coburn), Cockcroft, Cockel, Cockell, Cockerton, Cockfield, Cockrane, Cockshutt, Coddington, Cody, Coe, Coffey, Cofield, Colborne, Coldwell, Cole, Coleby, Coleman, Colerick, Collett, Collier, Collin, Collings, Collingwood, Collins, Collinson, Collis, Colman, Colquhoun, Columbell, Colyear, Commishy, Compton, Comstock, Conaway, Congdon, Conn, Connell, Connolly, Connor, Conover, Conrad, Constable, Conway, Cook, Cooke, Cool, Coombe, Cooper, Cope, Copeland, Copeman, Corbet, Corbett, Corble, Corder, Coridas, Coridass, Corke, Corkerton, Corkindale, Corlett, Corney, Cornthwaite, Cornwall, Cornwell, Corr, Corrie, Corrin, Corwin, Cossey, Cottam, Cottingdon, Cottingham, Cotton, Coulson, Coulter, Coulthard, Coulthurst, Coup, Coupe, Coupland, Courtney, Coutts, Couvin, Cove, Coveley, Covell, Coverdale, Covert, Cowan, Coward, Cowell, Cowen, Cowing, Cowling, Cowpe, Cowx, Cox, Coy, Crabb, Crabtree, Crace, Cracknell, Cragg, Craggs, Craig, Craigie, Cramer, Crane, Cranfield, Cranwell, Cray, Credland, Creed, Creek, Creer, Crew, Crewe, Crewe-Milnes, Crewe-Read, Creyke, Crichton, Crisp, Crittall, Croasdale, Crocker, Crockford, Croft, Croker, Crompton, Crone, Crook, Cropley, Croser, Crosland, Crosley, Cross, Crossen, Crossley, Crosthwaite, Crouch, Crow, Croxford, Crozier, Cruckshank, Crump, Cubidge, Cuddeford, Cudworth, Culham, Culley, Culp, Culpin, Culverwell, Cumberland, Cummin, Cumming, Cummings, Cunliffe, Cunningham, Cunynghame, Curgenven, Curran, Currie, Curry, Curtis, Curtiss, Curwood, Curzon, Cussans, Custance, Cuthbertson, Cutlack, Cutler, Cutting, Cuttriss
Dack, Daily, Dale, Daley, Dallaren, Dalliday, Dalton, Damant, Dampster, Dand, Dando, Daniel, Daniel-Tyssen, Danks, Danley, Danson, Danvers, Darbey, Darby, Darcy, Dardis, Dark, Darkins, Darley, Darlington, Darlow, Darnhill, Darrington, Darton, Darwin, Dashwood, Daugherty, Davenhill, Daveson, David, Davidson, Davies, Davies-Gould, Davis, Davison, Davy, Daw, Dawson, Day, De Beer, De Casson, De Jager, De Jong, De Jongh, De Lisle, De Morgan, De Noe, De Rossetti, De Vale, De Villiers, De Vos, De Vries, De Waal, De Wend, De Wend-Fenton, De Wied, Deacon, Deal, Dean, Deane, Deane Freeman, Dearden, Dearling, Death, Decker, Dee, Deeks, Degraves, Dehany, Deibel, Delbecke, Dell, Dellow, Delong, DeLorraine, Delph, Dempster, Dening, Denley, Denne, Denney, Dennis, Dennison, Denston, Dent, Denton, Denune, Denwood, Derry, Devall, Devane, DeVelville, Devolld, Dew, Dewey, Dewhurst, Dewsbury, Dexter, Dick, Dickens, Dickerson, Dickinson, Dickson, Digby, Diggns, Dillon, Dilt, Dilts, Dilworth, Dimock, Dines, Dinsdale, Diprose, Disbrow, Distin, Diver, Dixon, Dobbin, Dobbins, Dobby, Dobey, Dobinson, Doble, Dobson, Docker, Dod, Dodd, Doddridge, Dodds, Dodkin, Doe, Doebler, Doer, Doggart, Dogherty, Doig, Donald, Donaldson, Donlon, Donnan, Donnelly, Dooling, Dopson, Dore, Dorhauer, Dorkings, Dorling, Dorney, Dorton, Dougherty, Doughterty, Douglas, Douglass, Dow, Dowling, Downer, Downes, Dowson, Doyle, Drake, Dray, Dreany, Drew, Dring, Drinkwater, Driscoll, Driver, Drotskie, Drue, Drummond, Drury, Dryden, Du Plessis, Du Toit, Ducker, Duckit, Dudson, Duers, Duff, Duff (or Reed), Dufford, Duffort, Dufforth, Dufort, Dufton, Dugdale, Duggan, Duglis, Dumbleton, Duncan, Duncombe, Dune, Dunham, Dunkin, Dunkling, Dunn, Dunscombe, Duquet, Durack, Durham, Durlent, Durnford, Durrant, Dusenberry (or Elmore), Dust, Duthie, Dutton, Duvall, Dyas, Dye, Dyer, Dymond, Dyson
E., Eagles or Eagler, Eaglesome, Eagleton, Eales, Eames, Earith, Earl, Earle, Earles, Early, Earnest, Earp, Easey, Eason, Eastburn, Easterling, Eastwood, Easy, Eaton, Ebbett, Eberhart, Ecker, Eckersley, Eddy, Edgar, Edmonstone, Edward, Edwards, Efaw, Egley, Eglin, Eilbeck, Eke, Elch, Elderfield, Eldred, Eldridge, Elger, Elisabeth, Elizabeth, Elkins, Elliot, Elliot or Cairns, Elliott, Ellis, Ellison, Elliss, Ellnett, Elmendorf, Elmhirst, Elsey, Elson, Elwes, Ely, Embleton, Emeny, Emery, Emley, Emmerson, Emmett, Emms, Emson, England, Enifer, Enright, Erasmus, Erickson, Esaw, Escott, Etherington, Evan, Evans, Everest, Everett, Everitt, Eversden, Eversley, Ewert, Ewing, Eyrn
Fails, Fairchild, Fairclough, Fairer, Falck, Falder, Farebrother, Farist (or Farish), Farley, Farmer, Farnell, Farnsworth, Farquahar, Farquhar, Farr, Farran, Farrant, Farrar, Farrell, Farrer, Farrier, Farrow, Faure, Fawcet, Fawkes, Fayers, Fazakerley, Fea, Fear, Feare, Fearn, Fearon, Fears, Feast, Featherston, Featherstone, Fell, Fenn, Fennel (or Farrell), Fenton, Fenwick, Fenwicke, Ferguson, Ferriby, Few, Fforde, Fiddler, Fidler, Field, Fielding, Fife, Finch, Fincham, Finley, Finlinson, Finn, Finna, Firmin, Fischer, Fisher, Fitton, Fitz Randolph, Fitzackerley, FitzClarence, Fitzgerald, FitzMorris, Flack, Flack-Crane, Flanders, Flanigan, Flannagan, Fleet, Fleming, Flemming, Fletcher, Flett, Flint, Flood, Flower, Flowerdew, Flynn, Fogg, Fogle, Folder, Foley, Foot, Foote, Forbes, Ford, Forde, Fordham, Foreman, Forest, Forrester, Forshaw, Forster, Forsyth, Fortiner, Fortney, Fortune, Foskett, Foster, Fothergill, Foulger, Fountain, Fountaine, Fowler, Fownes, Fox, Foyer, Framans, Frances, Francis, Frankcom, Frankland, Franklin, Franklyn, Franks, Fraser, Fraser- Labrecque, Fraser 4th Lord Lovat, Frazier, Frean, Freeman, Freeman-Mitford, Fremantle, French, Fretwell, Frewer, Friend, Froggatt, Frohock, Froment, Froom, Frost, Frower, Frude, Fry, Fryatt, Fryer, Fryers, Fryett, Fuhrer, Fuller, Fullstone, Fulston, Funderburke, Furber, Furbisher, Furcotte, Furness, Furrer, Fursland, Fyfe
Gaity, Galley, Galloway, Gamble, Game, Gammon, Gardner, Garlick, Garman, Garner, Garraway, Garrett, Garson, Garthwaite, Gascoyne, Gash, Gaskill, Gatercole, Gates, Gateson, Gatfield, Gathercole, Gatley, Gatliff, Gatty, Gaul, Gaunt, Gawthorpe, Gayler, Geary, Gee, Geer, Geering, Geiger, Gell, Gemberling, Gemmell, Gent, George, Gerbrick, German, Germishuysen, Gertz, Geston, Gibb, Gibbard, Gibbon, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Giddens, Giddings, Gilbee, Gilbert, Gilbey, Giles, Gill, Giller, Gillett, Gillis, Gillott, Gilman, Gilmore, Gimbert, Gipp, Gittins, Glascock, Glassbey, Glasspool, Gleaves, Glen, Glencros, Glendening, Glenhill, Glidden, Glore, Glover, Glynn, Goddard, Godfrey, Godley, Godwin, Goff, Golding, Goldner, Gonson, Gooby, Gooch, Good, Goodall, Goode, Gooden, Goodge, Goodhue, Gooding, Goodjohn, Goodwin, Gooseman, Gordon, Gorges, Gorham, Gorton, Gosseline, Gossellive, Gothard, Gotobed, Gouch, Gough, Gould, Goulton, Gowler, Gowling, Graden, Graham, Grahame, Grainger, Granger, Grant, Grattidge, Grave, Graves, Gray, Grayston, Green, Greene, Greenfield, Greenup, Greenwood, Gregg, Gregoe, Gregoor, Gregorij, Gregory, Greville, Grey, Griessel, Grieve, Grieveson, Griffin, Griffith, Griffiths, Griggs, Grijgoe, Grills, Grimston, Grimwood, Grindale, Grinnell, Gristwood, Groenewald, Groom, Grover, Groves, Guicciardini, Gulick, Gumley, Gunnison, Gunter, Gunton, Gurner, Gurney, Gurry, Guthrie, Guy, Gwynne
Haag, Hacker, Hackers, Hackett, Hadcock, Hadden, Hadder, Haddock, Haddow, Haer (Hehr), Hagadone, Hagedoorn, Hager, Hague, Haigh, Hailstone, Haines, Hairte, Haiton, Hale, Haley, Halifax, Hall, Halliday, Hallier, Halls, Halone, Hals, Ham, Hamer, Hamilton, Hammett, Hammil, Hammill, Hammond, Hammonds, Hamper, Hampton, Hancock, Hancox, Handley, Handly, Hands, Hanes, Haney, Hanks, Hannold, Hanover, Hansen, Hanslip, Harbert, Harbottle, Harcourt, Harcourt-Vernon, Hard, Hardacre, Hardcastle, Harden, Harder, Hardin, Harding, Hardway, Hardwicke, Hardy, Hare, Harfleet, Hargrave, Hargreaves, Harison, Harker, Harle, Harley, Harman, Harmer, Harper, Harpey, Harpur, Harra, Harrety, Harriett, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Harrop, Harrup, Harsant, Hart, Harte, Hartley, Hartop, Hartram, Hartvigsen, Hartz, Hartzell, Harvard, Harvey, Harwood, Haselgrave, Hasler, Hastie, Hastings, Hatch, Hatfield, Hathway, Haton, Hatton, Haudenshield, Hauman, Hawes, Hawkins, Hawley, Hawson (or Mawson) (or Mauser), Hay, Hayden, Haydon, Hayes, Hayhoe, Haylett, Haylock, Haynes, Haysellden, Hayston, Hayter, Hayton, Hayward, Haywood, Hazel, Hazell, Head, Headlam, Headlam (later Headlam-Morley), Heale, Healey, Hearn, Hearne, Heath, Heathcote, Heaton, Heber, Heddle, Hedley, Heebner, Hegeman, Hegerman, Heigho, Heil, Hellewel, Hellewell, Helliwell, Helmer, Helmer the Senior, Helpman, Hely-Hutchinson, Hemans, Hemmant, Hemus, Henderson, Hendley, Hendorf (or Heydorf), Hendry, Hendy, Henney, Hennis, Henry, Hensby, Hepburn, Hepburn Stuart Forbes Trefusis, Heppell, Herd, Herman, Heron, Herrick, Hervey, Heseltine, Heslam, Heslington, Heslop, Hesse, Hesseltine, Hessman, Hessom, Heston, Hewer, Hewet, Hewetson, Hewitson, Hewitt, Hewson, Hewto, Hext, Heys, Hiam, Hibbert, Hibbling, Hickerson, Hickman, Hicks, Hider, Hides, Higbee, Higginbotham, Higginbottom, Higgins, Higham, Hill, Hillcoat, Hilliard, Hillock, Hills, Hillyer, Hilton, Hilton-Barber, Hind, Hinde, Hindle, Hingston, Hinnells, Hinton, Hird, Hiron, Hirtzel, Histead, Hitch, Hitchcock, Hizzett, Hoad, Hoadley, Hoan, Hoare, Hobbs, Hobkirk, Hobson, Hockly, Hodge, Hodgert, Hodges, Hodgkess, Hodgkinson, Hodgson, Hodson, Hoey, Hoffman, Hoffman (Lamky), Hogan, Hogarth, Hogg, Hoggarth, Holck, Holcroft, Holden, Holdren, Holdsworth, Holland, Hollett, Holliday, Hollingberg, Hollingbery, Hollinger, Hollingsworth, Hollome, Holloway, Hollowell, Holman, Holmden, Holme, Holmes, Holmes 7th Lord Glamis, Holmes 8th Lord Glamis, Holms, Holride, Holton, Holyoak, Homfray, Hood, Hooker, Hoole, Hooper, Hoopes, Hooton, Hoover, Hope, Hopkin, Hopkins, Horn, Horne, Horner, Horrex, Horsfall, Horsfull, Horsley, Horton, Hoskinson, Hosmer, Hotham, Hotson, Houghton, Houlahan, House, Houseal, Household, Housley, Hovell, How, Howard, Howarth, Howe, Howell, Howlett, Howling, Howorth, Hubbard, Huck, Huddleston, Huddlestone, Hudson, Huess, Huetson, Huff, Hughes, Hugill, Hugo, Huizenga, Hull, Hulme, Hulton, Hummel, Humphrey, Humpstone, Hunnybun, Hunt, Hunter, Huntley, Hupp, Hurler, Hurst, Hurtubise, Huskinson, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Hyde, Hylton, Hynam, Hynes
Ianson, Ibbett, Ibbs, Ice, Ideson, Idle, Ilbert, Illingworth, Imeson, Immelman, Impey, Ince, Ingham, Ingle, Ingleby, Ingram, Innes, Ions, Irby, Iredell, Ireland, Irons, Irving, Irwin, Irwing, Isaacs, Isbister, Ivatt, Ives, Iveson, Ivey, Ivison, Ivitt, Ivyson
Jackman, Jackson, Jacob, Jacobs, Jacobsen, Jacques, Jaggard, Jago, Jakes, James, Jameson, Jamieson, Jane, Janet, Jans, Janse van Vuuren, Japes, Jardine, Jarman, Jarritt, Jarvis, Jauncey, Jeaps, Jeeves, Jeffcock, Jefferson, Jeffery, Jell, Jemson, Jenkins, Jenks, Jenner, Jennie, Jennings, Jerman, Jermyn, Jerrison, Jewell, Jeyes, Jnr, Jobes, Jobling, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Johnstone, Jones, Jones or Skninner, Jopling, Jordan, Jordon, Jossi, Joubert, Jowett, Jowsey, Juby, Judkins, Jutsham
Kahler, Kanady, Kanzig, Karn, Karr, Karr(Kaar), Kaye, Keall, Kearsey, Keeble, Keen, Keenan, Keepin, Keith, Kelly, Kelsey, Kemble, Kemm, Kemp, Kendall, Kennedy-Erskine, Kennerley, Kent, Kenward, Kenyon, Kerby, Kerkbride, Kerkebride, Kern, Kerr, Kerridge, Kerry, Kettle, Kewley, Key, Kid, Kidd, Kighley, Kight, Kilgore, Kilgour, Kilgren, Kilingback, Kilsby, Kimball, Kincaid, King, Kingscott, Kingswood, Kinloch, Kinnear, Kinrade, Kinser, Kiple, Kirby, Kirckbride, Kirk, Kirkbread, Kirkbrid, Kirkbride, Kirkbride (Ivans), Kirkbridge, Kirkbright, Kirkbrite, Kirkbryde, Kirkebrid, Kirkebride, Kirkpatrick, Kirkup, Kirkwood, Kirton, Kitchin, Kitchinman, Kite, Kitson, Klock, Knagg, Knaggs, Knapman, Kneale, Kneen, Knight, Knighton, Knights, Knobel, Knollys, Knopp, Knottage, Knowles, Knowling, Knubley, Konigsamen, Kooij, Kopas, Krebs, Kriegler, Krige, Kristeyans, Kritzinger, Kroonen, Kuhn, Kyberd
L., Lachanne, Lack, Ladbrook, Laedt, Laidlaw, Laing, Laird, Laithwaite, Lake, Laker, Lamb, Lambe, Lambert, Lambley, Lamprell, Lamprile, Lamprill, Lancaster, Lance, Landamore, Lander, Landes, Lane, Lang, Langford, Langhorn, Langlands, Langley, Lanning, Lansford, Lapthorn, Large, Largent, Lark, Larson, Larvin, Larwood, Last, Latt, Latter, Laughton, Lavender, Lavister, Law, Lawman, Lawrence, Lawrie, Laws, Lawson, Lawten, Lawton, Lay, Layton, Lazarus, Lazenby, Le Jeune, Leach, Leadbetter, Leaden, Leaver, Leckenby, Leckie, Leduc, Lee, Lee Warner, Leeds, Lees, Legard, Legg, Legge, Leighow, Lemon, Lennox, Lenton, Lentz, Leroy, Lethbridge, Leverington, Leveritt, Leverton, Leveson-Gower, Levett, Levis, Lewall, Lewark, Lewell, Lewes, Lewin, Lewis, Lewn, Leyland, Liddel, Liddell, Lightfoot, Lilley, Lilly, Lillycrapp, Limb, Lincicum, Lindaberry, Lindsay, Ling, Linklater, Linnell, Lippincot, Lishman, Lister, Litchfield, Lithel, Little, Livingstone, Locke, Lockey, Lockie, Lockwood, Lodge, Lofts, Loftus, Logan, Lohl, Lomas, Lomax, Long, Longbotham, Longbotom, Longbottom, Longrigg, Longstreth, Lonsdale, Look, Lorentz, Lourens, Louw, Love, Lovell, Lovelock, Low, Lowden, Lowe, Lowell, Lowis, Lowndes, Lozburn, Luard, Luard-Selby, Lucas, Luccas, Luck, Ludbey, Ludby, Luetchford, Lugg, Lumley, Lummis, Lundt, Lunn, Lunt, Lupson, Luscombe, Lush, Luter, Luxford, Luxmoor, Lyall, Lyon, Lyon-Bowes, Lyon 1st Earl of Kinghorne and 9th Earl, Lyon 2nd Earl of Kinghome, Lyon 3rd of Strathmore and Kinghorne, Lyon 4th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorn, Lyon 5th Earl Strathmore and Kinghome, Lyon 6th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghome, Lyon 7th Earl of Strathore and Kinghome, Lyon 8th Earl of Strathmore, Lyon of Roxburgh, Lyte, Lythel, Lythell
M., Maasdorp, Mabb, Mac Leod, Macabee, MacDonald, Mace, Macer, Machin, Mack, Mackareth, Mackender, Mackenzie, MacKersey, Mackert, Maclean, MacLeod, MacMellen, Macmillan, Macuen, Macy, Maddison, Maddox, Maden, Magee, Mahaffee, Mahaney, Maiden, Maile, Main, Maine, Maintrue, Mainwaring, Major, Malan, Malcomson, Male, Mallaby, Mallet, Mallett, Mallory, Malloy, Maloney, Malt, Maltby, Maltpress, Manby, Manger, Manley, Mann, Manners, Manning, Mannoch, Manwaring, Maplate, Marais, March, Marden, Mare, Margetts, Maria, Mark, Markham, Marks, Markwell, Marlee, Marne, Marns, Marriot, Marriott, Marsden, Marsh, Marshall, Marsilliott, Marson, Martin, Martindale, Martini, Marvell, Marx, Mary, Maskell, Mason, Massey, Massie, Massingberd, Massingberd-Mundy, Masson, Masters, Matches, Matheny, Mathieson, Mathis, Matindale, Matkins, Matthews, Mattin, Maude, Maule, Mauss, Maw, Mawdsley, Mawson, Maxwell, Maxwell-Lyte, May, Mayberry, Mayersbach, Mayersback, Mayes, Mayhall, Mayor, Mays, Mayson, Mc Cole, Mc Cormick, Mc Gee, McAdam, McArthur, McAuslan, McAuslane, McBride, McCabe, McCandless, McCane, McCartney, McCarty, McCauslane, McClellan, McCloud, McCormic, McCormick, McCracken, McCreedy, McCulley, McCullough, McDonald, McDonland, McDougall, McElroy, McFadyen, Mcfarlane, McGarry, McGaugh, McGee, McGowan, McGrath, McGregor, McGuckin, McGurran, McHenry, McHutcheon, McKarmick, McKay, McKeller, McKenzie, McKew, McLachlan, McLaren, McLean, McLellan, McMahon, McMichael, McMillan, McNarney, McNatty, McNeily, McOuat, McPherson, McQuiggan, McSchooler, McTear, McVernon, McVicker, Mead, Meadway, Meal, Mechan, Medcalf, Medcalfe, Meddes, Meeks, Mein, Mell, Mellor, Mellott, Mendenhall, Mendham, Mennell, Mennim, Menzies, Mepham, Meredith, Merrick, Merriden, Merrill (or Smith), Merrington, Merritt, Merry, Messenger, Messer, Messersmith, Messinger, Metcalf, Metcalfe, Metcalfe or Medcalf, Meuleman, Mewse, Meyer, Meyers, Michel, Michell, Michelmore, Middleton, Middlewood, Mighan, Milburn, Miles, Millar, Millechamp, Miller, Milligan, Millin, Mills, Milne, Milner, Milnes, Milton, Minnaar, Minshull Ford, Miranda de Carvalho, Misseldine, Mitchel, Mitchell, Mitford, Mitton, Moberley, Mockler, Moden, Moffat, Mole, Molloy, Money, Monk, Monkhouse, Monkurm, Monshaur, Monson, Montagu, Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, Montgomery, Moon, Mooney, Moorby, Moore, Moorehead, Moorehouse, Moorhouse, Moran, Morden, Moreton, Morgan, Morgan-Brown, Morland, Morley, Morphet, Morris, Morrison, Morse, Mort, Mortlock, Morton, Moscrop, Mosher, Mosier, Moss, Mossop, Motby, Mott, Moulton, Mounsey, Mousir, Mousley, Mowat, Mowery, Mowrey, Moxon, Moyer, Moyl, Muir, Mullan, Mullen, Mumford, Mundy, Munk, Munns, Munro, Murfit, Murfitt, Murphy, Murray, Murton, Musk, Mustard, Mutter, Myers, Mynatt
Nairn, Naisbitt, Napper, Nash, Naughright, Naylor, Neal, Neale, Neasham, Needels, Neely, Neethling, Neighbor, Neighbour, Nel, Nelson, Nethercote, Nevard, Neve, Neville, Newbold, Newbould, Newell, Newman, Newnham, Newson, Newton, Nice, Nichelson, Nichol, Nicholas, Nicholaus, Nicholls, Nichols, Nicholsen, Nicholson, Nickey, Nickoles, Nickson, Nicolson, Nisbet, Nisbett, Nivison, Nix, Nixon, Noah, Noble, Nodder, Noel, Nolan, Noles, Norman, Norrie, Norrington, Norris, Northmore, Northrop, Norton, Nott, Nottage, Nugent, Null, Nunn, Nutall, Nutt
O'Brien, O'Connell, O'Donnell, O'Dougherty, O'Neal, O'Neill, O'Sullivan, O., Oakey, Oakman, Oates, Oats, Oehler, Of Middleton, Offley, Ogilvie, Ogilvy, Okey, Oldfield, Oldham, Oldman, Oliger, Oliphant, Olivant, Oliver, Oman, Oosthuisen, Opperman, Ord, Ormrod, Orrill, Orson, Ort, Orton, Osabaldeston-Mitford, Osbaldeston, Osbenson, Osborn, Osborne, Osler, Osmond, Osterhout, Ostle, Overall, Overington, Overton, Owen, Owens
P., Pace, Paden, Padget, Padgett, Padgham, Page, Paget, Pagram, Pain, Palmby, Palmer, Palmes, Panton, Pantridge, Pape, Papworth, Parfitt, Pargeter, Parish, Park, Parke, Parker, Parkes, Parkin, Parkinson, Parnell, Parott, Parr, Parrot, Parrott, Parry, Parsable, Parsley, Parson, Parsons, Partridge, Pascoe, Pashley, Pass, Passfield(Papfield), Passmore, Paston, Pate, Patrick, Patterson, Pattinson, Pattison, Paul, Pawsey, Payne, Paynter, Peach, Peachey, Peachmant, Peachment, Peachy, Peacock, Peaple, Pearce, Pears, Pearse, Pearson, Pease, Peat, Pechy, Peck, Peckell, Peckett, Peckham, Pedley, Peebles, Peek, Peel, Peers, Peese, Pegg, Peggon, Pell, Pemberton, Penberthy, Pencoast, Pendlington, Penfold, Penlington, Penn, Pennington, Penny, Pennyman, Pepper, Perceval, Percy, Periam, Periton, Perkins, Perry, Pert, Petch, Peter, Peters, Petrie, Pett, Pettet, Pettinger, Petts, Petty, Phelan, Philipe, Philips, Phillimore, Phillips, Philpot, Philpott, Phipps, Picken, Pickering, Pickersgill, Pickett, Pickins, Pidgeon, Pierce, Piercy, Pieterse, Piggott, Pike, Pilch, Pile, Pilkington, Pilling, Pinder, Pinkney, Pinnock, Pinson, Pipkin, Pite, Pitt, Pittman, Place, Plasket, Platt, Player, Playle, Playle-Ford, Pledger, Pleydell-Bouverie, Plowman, Plumer, Plumridge, Poggenpohl, Poling, Pollard, Polrath, Ponsford, Poole, Pooley, Pope, Popplestone, Popps, Porritt, Portal, Porteous, Porter, Porterfield, Potgieter, Potter, Pottinger, Potts, Poulter, Poulton, Powell, Powers, Poynter, Prangle, Pratt, Preece, Preston, Price, Pricer, Prichard, Prickett, Priest, Prime, Primrose, Prince, Pringle, Prior, Pritchard, Pritt, Pritty, Procter, Proctor, Proudfoot, Pryor, Pugh, Pulleyn, Pullien, Pullman, Purdy, Purell, Purnell, Purslow, Pyke
Quaif, Quail, Quick, Quince, Quinnell
R., Rabbich, Rabbidge, Rabbitt, Rabech, Race, Radcliffe, Radclyfe, Rademan, Radley, Raikes, Railton, Rainbow, Rainburd, Raine, Rake, Rakes, Rakestraw, Rakins, Ralph, Ram, Ramage, Ramsay, Ramus, Rance, Randal, Randall, Rankin, Ransom, Ranson, Ratcliff, Rate, Rathbone, Raven, Rawlinson, Rawson, Rawsthorne, Rawstron, Ray, Raylton, Rayne, Rayner, Raynor, Rayson, Read, Readford, Ready, Reah, Reay, Rebecca, Reddel, Redding, Reddy, Redfearn, Redhead, Reed, Reese, Reeve, Register, Reignolds, Reimann, Relph, Rennie, Rennie or Coridass, Renton, Renwick, Repath, Rew, Rex, Reynolds, Ribble, Rice, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Riches, Richmond, Rickey, Ricks, Riddesdale, Riddle, Riddlesdale, Rider, Ridger, Ridley, Rigg, Riggs, Riley, Ringgenburg, Ripley, Rippel, Ritch, Ritson, Robbidge, Robbins, Robedge, Robert, Robert(s), Roberts, Robertson, Robidge, Robinson, Robjohns, Robley, Robson, Rochford, Rochfort, Rock, Rodger, Rodgers, Rodwell, Rogan, Roger, Rogers, Rogers-Harrison, Rolfe, Rolle, Rolleston, Rollings, Rollinson, Rolph, Rome, Romer, Ronald, Ronson, Root, Roper, Roscoe, Rose, Rosegan, Rosher, Ross, Rossall, Rossiter, Rossouw, Rough, Rouleu, Rouse, Routledge, Roux, Row, Rowe, Rowell, Rowland, Rowlandson, Rowlatt, Rowley, Rowlinson, Rowton, Royston, Ruck-Keene, Rucker, Rudd, Rudderow, Rudes, Rudland, Ruff, Ruffell, Rufus, Rumbelow, Rumley, Rumney, Rumsey, Ruscoe, Russel, Russell, Rust, Ruston, Rutterford, Ryan, Ryder, Rymal
Sabberton, Saberton, Sadler, Saers, Salisbury, Sallis, Salmon, Salmons, Salsbery, Salter, Salusbury, Sample, Sampson, Sams, Samuels, Sanctuary, Sandby, Sandeland, Sanderson, Sandford, Sandham, Sarah, Sargeant, Satchell, Satcliffe, Satterthwaite, Sattley, Saudeland, Saul, Saull, Saunders, Savage, Save, Save (Surr), Savery, Sawyer, Say, Sayer, Sayers, Sayre, Scaife, Scarfe, Scarratt, Scarsbrooke, Schabort, Schaeche, Schafe, Schampanore, Schapman, Schaus, Schaw, Scheepers, Scherrer, Schilizzi, Schleich, Schmiedendorf, Schneider, Schoeman, Schofield, Scholey, Schoneman, Schooling, Schorsley, Schotel, Schreiber, Schreiber or Mills, Schuert, Schullen, Scoble, Scofield, Scot, Scotney, Scott, Scotting, Scrafton, Screes, Scrine, Scrivener, Scrivevner, Scruby, Scruton, Scrutton, Scrymgeour, Sculthorpe, Seabrook, Seacombe, Searle, Sears, Seber, Secker, Seddon, See, Seely, Selby, Selby-Bigge, Seldon, Selkirk, Sellers, Sellick, Sells, Selman, Selwyn, Selwyn-Payne, Sencenick, Senescall, Senior, Sennitt, Sergeson, Severance, Sevier, Sewell, Sexton, Seymour, Shadwell, Shakelton, Shale, Shanahan, Sharland, Sharman, Sharman-Crawford, Sharp, Sharpe, Sharpin, Sharpless, Sharpley, Sharrat, Shaw, Shea, Sheets, Sheffer, Shelford, Shelmerdine, Shelton, Shenton, Shepard, Shephard, Shepherd, Sheppard, Shere, Sheridan, Sherlock, Sherman, Sherwill, Shickle, Shields, Shier, Shilleman, Shilliday, Shimmin, Ship, Shipp, Shires, Shively, Shivers, Shoemaker, Shore, Shrewsbury, Shrode, Shrodes, Shuert, Shuttleworth, Sian, Sibley, Sibthorp, Sieppe, Silfifer, Silk, Sillett, Silvers, Simcox, Simkin, Simmonds, Simms, Simon, Simper, Simpkin, Simpkins, Simpson, Simson, Sinclair, Sindall, Sippings, Sisman, Sister), Sizer, Skains, Skeels, Skelton, Skingley, Skinner, Skips, Skirvin, Skurrowe, Slack, Slade, Slater, Slaughter, Slee, Sleight, Sligg, Sliker, Slinger, Slingsby, Sloman, Sly, Smart, Smelt, Smidt, Smirk, Smit, Smith, Smithers, Smithson, Smuts, Smyth, Snare, Snelling, Snook, Snowball, Snushall, Soens or Sones, Softly, Soland, Sole, Soloman, Somerville, Sondes, Soper, Sophia, Sopp, Sorell, Sorensen, Sotcher, Souder, South, Southall, Southcote, Southcott, Southwell, Southworth, Sowter, Spark, Sparrow, Spaxman, Spedding, Speight, Spelling, Spence, Spencer, Spice, Spicer, Spinks, Spivey, Spoel, Spooner, Spray, Spreckley, Spring, Springhall, Spry, Spurgeon, Spurling, Spurrier, Squire, Squires, St Clair, St John-Mildmay, St Quintin, St. Antoine, St. Clair, St. John, Stackhouse, Stacy, Stafford, Staines, Stainforth, Staker, Stalker, Stamper, Standard, Standen, Stanhope, Stanley, Stannard, Stansworth, Staples, Stapleton, Star, Stark, Starkey, Starling, Starr, Start, Stead, Steadman, Stearman, Stebbings, Steel, Steenkamp, Steffy, Stentiford, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevans, Stevens, Stevenson, Steveson, Stevinson, Stewart, Stidson, Stiles, Stille, Stimson, Stirling, Stobo, Stock, Stockbridge, Stocker, Stockwell, Stokes, Stonah, Stone, Stonebridge, Stones, Stoney, Stoney-Bowes, Storey, Story, Stout, Stoy, Strait, Strange, Stratton, Straub, Straughton, Street, Strickland, Striker, Strine, Stringer, Strong, Strother, Strutt, Stuart, Stuart-Wortley, Stubbins, Stubbs, Stuckey, Studd, Stump, Sturdy, Sture, Sturgeon, Sturman, Stuttle, Styche, Styles, Subritzky, Suckling, Sugden, Suggate, Summerfield, Sumpton, Sunderland, Sunderman, Surr, Susan, Suter, Sutherland, Sutherwood, Suttle, Sutton, Swackhamer, Swackhammer, Swain, Swallow, Swan, Swannell, Swanwick, Swart, Sweeten, Swift, Swindells, Sykes, Symmonds, Symonds, Symons
Tabbut, Tabeart, Tabler, Tabraham, Talbot, Tall, Tallet, Tallett, Tancred, Tandy, Tann, Tansey, Tarrim, Taskas, Tasker, Tate, Taunton, Tawley, Taylor, Taylour, Teasdale, Teck, Teeter, Temple, Tennent, Terry, Terryberry, Tesdale, Teubes, Tharby, Theobald, Thilthorpe, Thirkill, Thoday, Thody, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thornbury, Thornhill, Thornton, Thorogood, Thoroton, Thorp, Thorpe, Threader, Thulbon, Thulborn, Thulburn, Thurlow, Thursby, Thurston, Thurstone, Thwaite, Thynne, Tibbitt, Tibbotts, Tice, Tickel, Tickle, Ticknor, Tiffin, Tilbrook, Tilney, Tilton, Timewell, Timms, Timperon, Tingle, Tinkler, Tinney, Tinnion, Tinsdell, Tipper, Tippett, Tippetts, Tipton, Tite, Titmarsh, Titsworth, Titterinton, Todd, Tolliday, Tolwithby, Tompkins, Topp, Topping, Torrentine, Totman, Toulmin, Towers, Towgood, Townley, Townsend, Townshend, Townson, Tracey, Trainer, Trainor, Tranchard, Trant, Trautmann, Trenick, Trenicke, Trenicks, Trett, Trimble, Trimmer, Tripp, Trotman, Trotter, Trower, Trudget, Trudgill, Truesdell, Tuck, Tucker, Tuckett, Tudor, Tudor DeVelville, Tuff, Tuffs, Tuke, Tully, Tunnell, Tunzi, Turbitt, Turnbull, Turner, Turness, Turnis, Turnley, Turrell, Turrington, Turvey, Tuton, Tweedie, Tweedle, Twemlow, Twentyman, Twining, Twisleton, Twiss, Twitchet, Twitchin, Twopeny, Twysden, Tyack, Tyhurst, Typper, Tyrrell, Tyrwhitt, Tysoe, Tyson, Tyssen-Amhurst
Uffendale, Uffindale, Uffindell, Umpleby, Underhay, Updike, Upshaw, Upton, Usher, Utting
Vail, Valentijn, Van Allsburg, Van Alphen, Van Camp, Van Coller, Van Crum (or van Ornum), Van Daalen, Van den Bende, Van der Merwe, Van Dyne, Van Effen, Van Eijsden, Van Makkum, Van Oogen, Van Reyendam, Van Rijendam, Van Rooyen, Van Zanten, Van Zoutkamp, Vandeput, Vandervoort, Vandyne, Vane, Vane-Fletcher, Vardell, Vasey, Vass, Vaughan, Veach, Veal, Veasey, Veasey or Macey, Venables, Vencent, Veness, Venkelhuijs, Venn, Venter, Vernes, Vernon, Vess, Vickers, Vickery, Vielville, Viljoen, Vincent, Vinicombe, Vinley, Vinson, Virtue, Vitty, Vivian, Vogt, Von Culin, VonTeck, Vorster, Voss, Votaw, Vyner
W., Wack, Wacum, Waddelow, Waddington, Wade, Wade (or Wasche), Wadeson, Wadham, Wagenseller, Waggett, Wagley, Wagonseller, Wagstaff, Wainwright, Wait, Waite, Wake, Wakefield, Wakeford, Wakeham, Waldegrave, Waldie, Walduck, Walker, Walkington, Wall, Wallace, Wallbank, Waller, Wallin, Wallis, Walsh, Walsham, Walsome, Walters, Walton, Walton (or Watson), Wanamaker, Wann, Wans (or Wares), Warbey, Warburton, Warby, Ward, Wardell, Wardle, Ware, Warman, Warner, Warren, Warth, Warton, Washington, Wastell, Waterman, Waters, Watkinson, Watson, Watt, Watts, Wattson, Wauch, Way, Wayman, Weaver, Web, Webb, Webbe, Webber, Webster, Weddel, Wedgwood, Weekley, Weise, Weiss, Welby, Welch, Welcherk, Welfare, Wells, Welsh, Wenn, Wentworth, Werle, Wesley, Wesson, West, Westdale, Western, Westley, Westney, Weston, Westover, Westphalen, Westwell, Wewege, Weyer, Whaites, Whale, Wharton, Wheaton, Wheeler, Whichelow, Whichelow also Wicklow, Whilden, Whiley, Whiskerd, Whitaker, White, Whitehand, Whitehead, Whitehorn, Whitelock, Whiteman, Whiteside, Whitford, Whiting, Whitlock, Whittaker, Whittlesea, Whittlesey, Whittone, Whitwell, Whitworth, Whybrow, Whymer, Wickens, Wicker, Wickham, Wickstead, Widdrington, Widdup, Wiese, Wigfield, Wiggen, Wiggins, Wightman, Wigley, Wignall, Wilby, Wilcox, Wilde, Wilden, Wilding, Wilkes, Wilkie, Wilkin, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willamson, Willans, Willcox, Willets, Willett, Willey, Williams, Williamson, Willingham, Willink, Willis, Willison, Willott, Willoughby, Wills, Willsher, Wilmot, Wilmott, Wilshaw, Wilshawe, Wilson, Wilton, Winckles, Winder, Windsor, Wing, Wingfield, Winlove, Winmore, Winn, Winstanley, Winter, Winters, Wiseman, Wiskin, Wismer, Witby, Witham, Witherford, Witheridge, Withers, Witt, Wittwer, Wolcott, Wolfe, Wolfinger, Wolstenholme, Wolston, Wolton, Wood, Wood (or Woods), Woodbine, Woodcock, Woodend, Woodfine, Woodhall, Woodham, Wooding, Woodman, Woodroffe, Woodrow, Woodruff, Woods, Woodward, Woolard, Wooley, Woolf, Woolfe, Woolford, Woolgrove, Woolman, Woolston, Workman, Wormald, Worsdell, Worsley, Worsnop, Worswick, Worth, Worthy, Wragg, Wray, Wren, Wrench, Wrey, Wright, Wroughton, Wyatt, Wyke, Wyndham, Wythers, Wyvill
Yardley, Yarosch, Yarrow, Yeack, Yearick, Yeomans, Young, Younghusband, Youngs, Yourd, Yowart, Yoxson